Vegetarian Vs. Non Food Cost Details
Here in this post I have a more in depth account of cost of foods for myself and my mother. I am eating vegetarian and she is not. I just find the disparity fascinating. It's important to note that shared foods like bread are not included in these totals. And other supermarket purchases such as cleaning supplies and paper products are also not included. It's also interesting to see how convenience foods regardless of meat content drive up costs. And how yogurt is really pricey. It's fortunate for me that I find yogurt to be vile and disgusting. But those that enjoy it will notice it's very expensive. And the oft touted mantra that fresh produce is expensive is clearly debunked. If you shop seasonally and locally it's cheaper than processed alternatives. You'll also notice my list has far less content. It's missing snacks, desserts and nurtionless add ins like coffee creamer. Even though I made an unplanned purchase in the Kitchen of India pouch which ...