Garbanzo Croquettes with Dipping Sauce
These croquettes are definitely Indian inspired. Kind of a play on falafel. They're spicy and meaty. The sauce is sweet and rich. Running each bite through both the dipping sauce and my pear puree really made it a home run for me. When I make dishes of this sort that are a patty, ball or cake form of beans masquerading where meat would normally go I try to keep it vegan. It'd be easy to add egg as a binder, but I feel like that's the lazy way out. A little creativity and work can produce as good of a finished product without that shortcut. 1 can garbanzos, plus 2 tbls can liquid 1 jalapeno 3 cloves garlic 3/4 cup rolled oats 1/4 cup sunflower seeds zest and juice from 1/2 a lime 1 inch ginger 1 tsp celery seed 1 tsp turmeric 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp black pepper 1 tbl olive oil 3 grinds pink Himalayan or sea salt Add all ingredients to a food processor and pulse until a thick, chunky, chopped meat like consistency is achieved. Place in a storage container ...