Nectar of the Gods Vegan Soup
It hasn't been all that cold yet, even though it's almost November. Still, my stomach is craving cold weather foods. I was going for a hearty vegetable broth based soup. I also wanted to see if I could successfully incorporate some vegan pea protein powder into the finished dish. It's my first time using it and I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. I made sure to get an unflavored variety so it would be more versatile. It gave the broth a really nice color, but it's mostly flavorless. I kind of has a mild flour flavor to me. Which is fine by me. If I can put it into dishes and not notice it's there, that makes things easy. Other than that, my soup is a pretty classic vegetable soup Of course, it's me, so it packs some heat. It's got quite a lot of depth considering I only simmered it for maybe 20 minutes after sweating the aromatics. My secret for a really tasty broth is turmeric and paprika. They really go a long way to creating that familiar ...