Lamb and Pig in your Mac and Cheese
Let's badger the FDA until they have to do what we want. The government and its plethora of agencies are all pretty useless. I can't believe it's 2011 and vegetarians and vegans still have to wonder what's in their food. Mystery chemical ingedients and presrvatives have many possible origins both animal and vegetable. Naturals flavors can be pretty much anything. Cyanide is a natural flavor. Cheese is the a big issue for vegetarians. 99% of cheeses just list rennet or enzymes with absolutely no indication whether they are derived from plants or mammals. You would think cheese makers would be proud to say their cheese is vegetarian. Are they all dim? It would sell more cheese. Don't they want to sell more cheese? So in protest I've decided to send an email per day to the FDA continually making the same simple request. That food labeling standards be updated to indicated whether animals or animal byproducts were sourced. Now if each vegetarian and vegan does this,...