Vegetarian Mac and Cheese

Today I found two brands of vegetarian boxed macaroni and cheese. Unlike the sinister Kraft brand which is predicated on the stomachs of dead baby animals (calf, lamb and kid) these wonderful alternatives use only non-animal enzymes in their cheese packets.

Both Annie's and Back To Nature brand boxed mac and cheese dinners specify right on the package that the enzyme in their cheese mix are of the non-animal variety. Awesome!

All cheese containing packages really ought to require such labelling... animal or non enzymes. The people want to know. The governement of course doesnt' care. There's no money in it.

All restaurants need to get with the program as well. You already have the egg, milk and peanut info. It's not unreasonable for poeple to want to know if animal stock, fat or similar is lurking in their menu choice. List on your websties animal containing foods. Things with animals stocks, animals fats, any animal derived ingredients.


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