Vegan Turn Of Heart

In previous posts/recipes I had flirted with vegetarianism/vegasm. Recently I decided to go for it. I like the low fat and health benefits of course. But my primary motivation was animal cruelty. I do not wish to be a contributor to that sort of evil.

Eating vegan has the unique side effect of making low fat cooking both easy and difficult. On the one hand your ingredients are more than likely already nutrient rich and naturally low fat. On the other, where is the flavor without some good fat?

As this blog evolves I shall endeavour to discover flavorful vegan food combinations just as I have in the past with ordinary food fare.

I try all kinds of different beans, canned and dried. Experiment with frozen and local fresh greens. And even report on my finding in the major supermarket chains. Eating vegan isn't easy. So cooking vegan should be. This is what I hope achieve.


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