Kraft Uses Kids Stomachs to make their Macaroni and Cheese

It's true. They told me so themselves in an email reply to my query about the enzymes in their various cheese products.

Kids of course, not being human children, but rather baby goats. Hmmm... that makes it so much better. It also can contain calf and lamb stomach enzymes.

On the plus side, their 'natural' Swiss and grated Parmesan is animal free. as are their various styles of Philadelphia cream cheese. those are the only cheese they would vouch for as being veg. They say most are, but how to know which?

they vaguely hinted that most soft cheeses are safe, but weren't specific on which styles. soft cheese? ricotta maybe. i dunno. i believe most ricotta's are okay, but you never know for certain.

Kraft Cheddars and Romano they also specify definitely contain animal byproducts. Personally I'd steer clear of anything they didn't specifically mention as animal free. Which is natural Swiss, grated Parmesan and cream cheese.

Their official email reply follows. I encourage anyone who doesn't wish to consume calf, lamb or kid to write to Kraft expressing their displeasure with those sorts of cheese enzymes.


Thank you for visiting

I’m glad that you contacted me about the enzymes used in our Kraft Cheese and Kraft Mac & Cheese products. Most of the cheeses we manufacture contain a microbiologically produced coagulating enzyme called chymosin. The process of converting milk into cheese is dependent on the use of this enzyme.

Our Sharp, Extra Sharp Cheddar and Romano cheeses may contain animal derived enzymes which assist in their flavor and texture development.

Other products utilize a microbial rennet which is derived from the growth of pure cultures of bacteria or mold. KRAFT Natural Swiss Cheese and KRAFT Grated Parmesan Cheese are example of products that contain this type of enzyme.

Soft cheeses utilize another method of coagulating milk by the growth of pure cultures of bacteria in the milk and the development of lactic acid. Our cream cheese products such as PHILADELPHIA BRAND Cream Cheese and Light PHILADELPHIA BRAND Neufchatel Cheese fall into this category.

The enzymes used to make the cheese in our cheese powder in packages of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Kraft Dinner and Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Grated Topping are derived from both animal sources (calf, kid and lamb) and microbial sources.

I hope that this has given you some useful information.

Again, thanks for contacting us, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy our products.

Kim McMiller
Associate Director, Consumer Relations


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