
Want to really eliminate obesity from America? There's a very simple solution. Eliminate meat. It's that easy.

If we can tax cigarettes to death because they are supposedly bad for people, then we can do the same with meat. No one is going to buy $15 a pound ground beef.

In a truly free society, as we claim to be, nothing would be taxed to such excess. Regardless of the health risks. Freedom means, free to choose. Free to choose cancer. Free to choose cirrhosis of the liver. Free to choose to be obese.

But we do not live in a free society. America is an autocracy. Governed by the wealthy. By the corporations. By the pharmaceutical industries. And the health care business.

Cigarettes are so highly taxed because they assume we are so addicted that we will pay any price. Not an entirely flawed assumption.

But nevertheless, anyone who believes politicians pass these taxes to benefit the people is a fool.

If our health were their main concern they would heavily tax meat and meat byproducts. But they don't. Because people are not addicted to meat. People can live without meat. Because the meat industry is one of the largest industries in our fragile economy.

Want to really stick it to the health care and pharmaceutical industries? Want to overcome your nagging excess weight? Easy. Stop eating meat. It's that simple. I know, because it happened to me.

Supporting an industry that tortures animals is not a healthy way to eat.


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