Sexy Salad

Here's a sexy salad for everyone to lust after. Most people probably don't think of salad as being very sexy, but I disagree. It's one of the best dishes there are. A salad can be pretty much any combination of ingredients. The one stipulation is that they need to be fresh and bright. Can't go wrong there.

Salads demand texture and acidity. They are light, yet filling.

This salad in particular is a great one. You have to click on the pic to see it full sized. It will leave you drooling.

There's a base of freshly torn romaine lettuce. That's topped with minced red cabbage. The next layer is oven fresh roasted chopped broccoli. Then sliced white onions. Garnished with a few spoonfuls of black beans. Finished with a few cloves of roasted garlic. Everything is moistening with white vinegar, balsamic vinaigrette and Louisiana hot sauce.

Very light, Very nutritious. Very tasty. Yet extremely light on calories. 100% vegetarian. 100% vegan. Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Sprinkle with nutritional yeast for added protein and flavor.

This salad really highlight the appeal of fresh, crisp produce. How filling it can be. And also how delicious. And how a little bit of hot sauce goes a really long way toward upping the flavor ante of a simple dish.


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